Stainless steel tanks

High quality materials with big thickness ensure stability during a long professional usage of the tank.

The high polished tank’s inside do not allow deposition of wine scale and ease the cleaning of the tank.

Thanks to the vertical construction of the cooling jacket, the cooling process will be efficient even if the tank is not totally full.

The closed storey tank with two or more chambers is used for fermentation and storage of wine and other alimentary liquids.The closed storey tank ensures optimal usage of the cellar space.

The high quality materials with big thickness ensure the stability during a long professional usage of the tank.

All valves on the tank are attached with fittings and gaskets which simplifies the removal during the cleaning.

The closed tanks in combination bottom+top are used for fermentation and storage of wine and other alimentary liquids.

This type of tanks ensures optimal usage of the cellar space. This system provides different possibilities of combination by buyer’s request.

High quality materials with big thickness ensure the stability during

a long professional usage of the tank.

The square tank is used for fermentation and storage of wine and other alimentary liquids.

Because of the rectangular shapes this tank offers a maximum usage of the cellar space.

The tank’s edges are rounded, without sharp angles and edges.

Mini distillery is used for distilling crops, fruits and different herbs. It is also convenient for production of hydrolates and essential oils. It can be heated using gas or electric heaters, and for cooling it uses tap water from indoor plumbing.

The insulated tank with a build-in cooling jacket is used for cold wine stabilization, fermentation and storage of wine. The thick layer of polyurethane foam ensures a good insulation characteristic of this tank. The big sized cooling jacket ensures a fast lowering of the temperature inside the tank.

The tank with air cap is used for fermentation and storage of wine and other alimentary liquids.

The robust cap with air tube and relief valve enables the fermentation and the storage.The extra reinforced edge of the tank contributes to the tank’s firmness.

The tank with air cap and slope bottom is used for fermentation and storage of wine and other alimentary liquids. The robust cap with air tube and relief valve enables the fermentation and the storage.

The slope bottom and the big square door ensure an easy discharge of the tank. By using a lifting arm, the cap can easily be moved up and down and the pump attached on a leg will help to pump up easier the air tube.


Pressure tank is used for maling champagne with charmat method.

It can also be used for some other production process under pressure.

CE certificate ensures maximum quality and safety.

The wineficator is used for winefication of red and white grape and for the fermentation and the storage of wine. The built-in griddle on the coat separates the solid substance from the liquid.The spinning sprinkler efficiently wets the whole surface of grapes in the tank.

The sprinkler’s pipe ensures an easy connection to the pump.

The large valve on the total discharge ensures a charge and discharge of mash by pump.

The wineficator romat with a pneumatic cylinder with suppressor is used for the winefication of red and white wine grapes. It can also be used for the fermentation and the storage of wine.

An individual programming is possible for the suppressor control, the pump and the temperature.

The suppressor with three blades has a special mechanism which rotates the suppressor for 20° on each press. The big square door and the flat bottom with a slope of 5% ensure an easy discharge of the tank.

The wooden wineficator romat with a pneumatic cylinder with suppressor is a special tank version for fermentation of red and white grape and the storage of wine.

The thickness of the wooden is 4 cm. The wooden coat is made of high quality oak tree and has a favorable impact during the fermentation and the storage of wine. The big advantage is that, after some time when the wood has lost its characteristics, this wooden coat can be easily changed.

The wineficator winematic is the horizontal construction of a tank for maceration of red and fermentation of white grapes. The speed control, the mixing time interval and time-out, discharge and other functions are electronically controlled.

The specially constructed mixing system ensures a slight but efficient mixing and also an automatic discharge of the tank. The geared motor ensures a slight mixing with adjustable speed of 0 to 10 turns per minute in both directions.

The tank for forklift transport ensures an easy movement of a tank by using a forklift. In standard version this tank is equipped with an air cap and it can be used for the fermentation and the storage of wine and other alimentary liquids. The footage with slots for forklift is made of high quality material with big thickness.

The multi-purpose mixer is meant for the usage in the wine production. The removable door enables an easy charge and the geared motor enables a slight mixing.

For a better mixing efficiency this tank has a built-in flow breaker.

Closed tank for olive oil. Conical bottom with sharp angle enables sedimentation of oil and fitting for shield gas on manhole cover

enables implementation of shiel gas system of protection of oil.

Closed tank for olive oil. Conical bottom with sharp angle enables sedimentation of oil and fitting for shield gas on manhole cover

enables implementation of shiel gas system of protection of oil.

The tank with floating cap is used for the storage of wine and other alimentary liquids. The high polished tank’s inside does not allow the capture of wine scale and facilitates the cleaning of the tank.

Pipes and valve are made of stainless steel.

The tank with air cap us used for fermentation and storage of wine and other alimentary liquids. The high polished tank’s inside does not allow the capture of wine scale and facilitates the cleaning of the tank.

Pipes and valve are made of stainless steel.

Tank with air cap and conical centered bottom for storage of olive oil and other alimentary liquids.

Tank for the storage of alimentary liquids (wine, brandy, juice, oil, vinegar…).

Tank for milk with special fastener for hermetical closure.

Plate filter for filtering wine.

Made with or without integrated pump.

Thermoblock for cooling

Drainage is used for easier cleaning of cellar.

Model without grinddle can be up to 10 meters in lenght and model with grinddle can be up to 6 meters in lenght.