Bakery sector

Bakery sector

Bread is a product obtained from the fermentation process followed from the leavening and the cooking in the oven.

The main steps of bread and pizza manufacturing are:

  • Dough

The dough is the process in which all the ingredients are mixed with water. This procedure is able to hold all starches and gases of the leavening, which  create some bubbles, typical of the bread crumb. The dough is made with machines called kneading machines. The best dough temperature, when finished, is between 22° and 26°C .

  • Rest period

The rest period of the dough depends from the type of receipt and from the flour.

  • Division and forming

The dough is divided in different parts and this process can be manual or through specific machines.

  • Leavening

Bread volume raises and it is positioned on wood boards or baking trays. During this phase it can be covered with a cloth in order to avoid the crust development caused from the water evaporation. There are also some leavening compartments which permit the temperature and humidity air control.

  • Baking

Bread is baked inside ovens which can be of three different types: with chambers, rotatory ovens and tunnel ovens.

Baking temperature vary from 180°C to 275°C and the cooking time from 13 to 60 minutes. The internal heating of the dough is really slow. The yeast fermentation continues from 30° to 40°C as well as the sugar production of the enzymes. From 40°C to 60°C the saccharomyces die and the consolidation of starches begins. From 60°C to 80°C  take place the complete hardening of starches and the end of enzymes activity as well as the volatilizing of ethanol. Between 100°C and 140°C  occurs the complete evaporation of water which permits the crust formation and the sugar caramelisation which provides an amber colour to the surface.

Heating holds an important role in baked goods production. Inside leavening compartments and ovens we can find electric heaters.

The majority of these heaters are customised in order to adapt them better to the different ovens and leavening compartments.

The models of electric heaters for this sector are:

  • Customised Tubolar Armoured Heaters
  • Infrared Ceramic Heaters
  • Cartridge Heaters
  • Band Heaters
  • Immersion Heaters
  • Thermocouples And Thermistors
  • Cables And Sheaths